Bob McCarthy Foundation Scholarships awarded to Ellicottville Class of 2023
The Bob McCarthy Foundation continues its tradition of providing scholarships to graduating students at ECS and BOCES CTE Center at Ellicottville. The Foundation awards a $500 scholarship to students that demonstrate a good work ethic, determination and community service. Our goal is to support students pursuing higher education and/or entering the trades.
This year a total of 5 Scholarships were presented by Erin Scheers-Cornelius to the recipients at ECS and Kathleen Moriaty-Fleming to our recipient at BOCES.
BOCES CTE Center at Ellicottville Recipient
Connor Matheis, graduated this year and has chosen to enter an apprenticeship in carpentry. Connor
completed 3 different internships this year – Wooley Mammoth Construction, Thompson Heating & Cooling, K
& J Cutting Edge Millwork, making a strong impression at each company. Connor is also a Volunteer Fireman/
Lieutenant, an eagle scout, a SkillsUSA member, FFA member and a 4H member. Connor has been active in
school and community volunteer work, having volunteered for Habitat for Humanity builds, organizing
fundraisers for various charities and community clean-up events.
Ellicottville Central School Recipients
Alysa Williams who will be attending Alfred State for Agribusiness Management is a member of the National
Honor Society. Alysa has been involved in the Cattaraugus 4H Club of ten years participating in Leadership
roles at the County Fair. She has participated in various community service activities through 4H while helping
the Food Pantry, EARS and the SPCA.
Katie Krotz who will be attending Cornel University for Animal Sciences graduated as the Valedictorian of her
class with an Advanced Regent Diploma. Katie has served as President of the Student Council and President of
the National honor Society for 2 years each. In addition, she was a member of the Drama Club, Jazz Choir,
World Language Club as well as a member of the Quiz Bowl Team. With all of these activities she still found
time to volunteer in various fundraisers and organizations in the community.
Bryce Wood who will be attending SUNY Fredonia for Computer Sciences, where he received the Presidential
award for Excellence & the SUNY Honors Award. Bryce has participated in Band, Chorus, Jazz Choir Soccer,
Robotics, Drama Club, ski club and the Quiz Bowl Team. Bryce volunteered at the GV Food Pantry and served
in Peer Tutoring at ECS.
Katrina DeChane who will be attending Jamestown Business College for Business in Accounting graduated as a
Salutatorian as a member of the National Honor Society. Katrina has served on the Student Council as the
treasurer. Katrina has volunteered for various school events as well as the Senior citizens Dinner and
fundraisers for the library and participates in many church activities.